But the desert & wildernesse shall reioyce, the waste ground shall be glad and florishe as the Lilie.
She shall florishe pleasauntly and be ioyfull, and euer be geuing thankes more and more: For the glorie of Libanus, the beautie of Charmel and Saron shalbe geuen her: These shall knowe the honour of the Lorde, & the maiestie of our God.
And therfore strength the weake handes, and comfort the feeble knees.
Say vnto them that are of a fearfull heart, be of good cheare and feare not, beholde your God commeth to take vengeaunce, and you shall see the rewarde that God geueth: God commeth his owne selfe, and wyll delyuer you.
Then shall the eyes of the blynde be lyghtened, and the eares of the deaffe opened.
Then shall the lame men leape as an Hart, & the dumbe mans tongue shall geue thankes: for in the wildernesse there shall welles spryng, and fluddes of water in the desert.
The drye grounde shal turne to riuers, and the thirstie to sprynges of water: wheras dragons dwelt afore, there shal growe sweete flowres & greene russhes.
There shalbe foote pathes & common streetes, this shalbe called the holy way: no vncleane person shall go through it, for the Lorde hym selfe shall go with them that way, and the wayfayrer nor ignoraunt shall not erre.
There shalbe no lion, & no rauishyng beastes shall come therin nor be there, but men redeemed shall go there free and safe.
And the redeemed of the Lorde I say shall conuert and come to Sion with thankesgeuyng: euerlastyng ioy shall they haue, pleasure and gladnesse shalbe among them, and as for all sorowe and heauinesse it shall vanishe.