After these thynges, Iesus went his waye ouer the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias.
And a great multitude folowed hym, because they sawe his miracles whiche he dyd on them that were diseased.
And Iesus went vp into a mountayne, & there he sate with his disciples.
And the Passouer, a feast of ye Iewes, was nye.
When Iesus then lyft vp his eyes, and sawe a great company come vnto him, he saith vnto Philip: Whence shal we bye bread, that these may eate?
(This he sayde to proue hym: for he hym selfe knewe what he woulde do.)
Philip aunswered hym: Two hundred penie worth of bread are not sufficient for them, that euery man may take a litle.
One of his disciples, Andrewe, Simo Peters brother, sayth vnto hym:
There is a litle ladde here, whiche hath fyue barly loaues and two fisshes, but what are they among so many?
And Iesus sayde: Make the people syt downe.
There was much grasse in the place.
So the men sate downe, in number about fyue thousande.
And Iesus toke the bread, and when he had geue thankes, he gaue to the disciples, and the disciples to them yt were set downe, and lykewyse of the fisshes, as much as they woulde.
When they had eaten enough, he saide vnto his disciples: Gather vp the broke meate that remayneth, that nothyng be lost.
And they gathered it together, & fylled twelue baskettes with the broken meate of the fyue barly loaues, whiche [broken meate] remayned vnto them that had eaten.
Then those men, when they had seene the miracle that Iesus did, saide: This is of a trueth the same prophete that shoulde come into the worlde.
When Iesus therfore perceaued, that they would come and take him, to make hym kyng, he departed agayne into amountayne hym selfe alone.
And when euen was nowe come, his disciples went downe vnto the sea.
And gat vp into a shippe, and went ouer the sea, towardes Capernau: And it was nowe darke, and Iesus was not come to them.
And the sea arose, with a great wynde that blewe.
So, when they had rowed about 25 or 30 furlonges, they sawe Iesus walkyng on the sea, and drawyng nye vnto the shippe, and they were afrayde.
But he sayth vnto them: It is I, be not afrayde.
And they wyllyngly receaued hym into the shippe, and immediatly the shippe was at the lande whyther they went.
The day folowyng, when the people, whiche stoode on the other syde of the sea, sawe that there was none other shippe there, saue that one whereinto his disciples were entred, and that Iesus went not in with his disciples into the shippe, but that his disciples were gone [awaye] alone:
Howebeit there came other shippes fro Tiberias, nye vnto the place, where they dyd eate bread, after that the Lord had geuen thankes.
When the people therefore sawe that Iesus was not there, neither his disciples, they also toke shippyng, and came to Capernaum, sekyng for Iesus.
And whe they had founde hym on the other side of the sea, they said vnto him, Rabbi, when camest thou hyther?
Iesus aunswered them, and sayde:
Ueryly veryly I say vnto you, ye seke me, not because ye sawe the miracles, but because ye dyd eate of the loaues, & were fylled.
Labour not for the meate whiche perisheth, but for that whiche endureth vnto euerlastyng lyfe, which [meate] the sonne of man shall geue vnto you: For hym hath God the father sealed.
Then saide they vnto him: What shall we do, that we myght worke ye workes of God?
Iesus aunswered, & sayde vnto them: This is the worke of God, that ye beleue on hym whom he hath sent.
They said therfore vnto hym: What signe shewest thou then, yt we may see, & beleue thee?
What doest thou worke?
Our fathers dyd eate Manna in the desert, as it is written: He gaue them bread from heauen to eate.
Then Iesus sayde vnto them: Ueryly veryly I say vnto you, Moyses gaue you not yt bread fro heauen, but my father geueth you ye true bread fro heaue.
For the bread of God, is he which cometh downe from heauen, and geueth lyfe vnto the worlde.
Then sayde they vnto hym: Lorde, euermore geue vs this bread.
And Iesus sayde vnto them, I am the bread of lyfe: He that cometh to me, shall not hunger: and he that beleueth on me, shall neuer thirst.
But I say vnto you, that ye also haue seene me, and yet ye beleue not.
All that the father geueth me, shall come to me: and hym that commeth to me, I cast not away.
For I came downe from heauen, not to do that I wyll: but that he wyll, which hath sent me.
And this is the fathers wyll whiche hath sent me: that of all which he hath geuen me, I shal lose nothing, but rayse it vp agayne at the last day.
And this is the wyll of him yt sent me: that euery one which seeth the sonne, & beleueth on him, hath euerlastyng lyfe: And I wyll rayse him vp at ye last day.
The Iewes then murmured at him, because he sayde, I am the bread [of life] which came downe from heauen.
And they saide: Is not this Iesus, ye sonne of Ioseph, whose father and mother we knowe?
Howe is it then that he sayth, I came downe from heauen?
Iesus aunswered, & sayde vnto them: Murmure not among your selues.
No man can come to me, except the father, whiche hath sent me, drawe hym: And I wyll rayse hym vp at the last day.
It is written in the prophetes: And they shalbe all taught of God.
Euery man therfore that hath heard, and hath learned of the father, cometh vnto me.
Not that any man hath seene the father, saue he which is of God, the same hath seene the father.
Ueryly veryly I say vnto you, he that putteth his trust in me, hath euerlasting lyfe.
I am that bread of lyfe.
Your fathers dyd eate Manna in the wyldernesse, and are dead.
This is that bread, which commeth downe from heauen, that yf any man eate therof, [he] shoulde not dye.
I am that lyuyng bread, which came downe from heauen.
Yf any man eate of this bread, he shall lyue for euer.
And the bread that I wyl geue, is my fleshe, whiche I wyll geue for the lyfe of the worlde.
The Iewes therefore stroue among them selues, saying: Howe can this felowe geue vs that fleshe of his to eate?
Then Iesus saide vnto them: Ueryly veryly I saye vnto you, excepte ye eate the fleshe of the sonne of man, and drynke his blood, ye haue no lyfe in you.
Who so eateth my fleshe, and drinketh my blood, hath eternall lyfe, and I wyl rayse hym vp at the last day.
For my fleshe is meate in deede, and my blood is drynke in deede.
He that eateth my fleshe, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, & I in hym.
As the lyuing father hath sent me, and I lyue by the father: Euen so, he that eateth me, shal liue by [the meanes of] me.
This is that bread, which came downe from heauen: Not as your fathers dyd eate Manna, and are dead.
He that eateth of this bread, shall lyue euer.
These thynges sayde he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum.
Many therfore of his disciples, when they had hearde this, saide: This is an harde saying, who can abyde the hearyng of it?
Iesus knewe in hym selfe, that his disciples murmured at it, and he sayde vnto them, doth this offende you?
What and yf ye shall see the sonne of man ascende vp thyther where he was before?
It is the spirite that quickeneth, the fleshe profiteth nothyng.
The wordes that I speake vnto you, are spirite and lyfe.
But there are some of you that beleue not.
For Iesus knewe from the begynning, which they were that beleued not, and who shoulde betray hym.
And he sayde: Therfore saide I vnto you, that no man can come vnto me, except it were geue vnto him of my father.
From that time, many of his disciples wet backe, & walked no more with him.
Then sayde Iesus vnto the twelue: Wyll ye also go away?
Then Simon Peter aunswered him: Lorde, to who shall we go?
Thou hast the wordes of eternall lyfe:
And we beleue and are sure that thou art Christe, the sonne of ye lyuyng God.
Iesus aunswereth them: Haue not I chosen you twelue, and one of you is a deuyll?
He spake of Iudas Iscariot [the sonne] of Simon: For he it was, that shoulde betray hym, beyng one of the twelue.