And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses after the death of ye two sonnes of Aaron, when they offered before ye Lorde, and dyed.
And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Speake vnto Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all tymes into the holy place within the vayle, before the mercie seate which is vpon the arke, that he dye not: For I wyll appeare in the cloude vpon ye mercie seate.
But with this thyng shal Aaron come into the holy place: euen with a young bullocke for a sinne offeryng, and with a ramme for a burnt offeryng.
He shall put the holy lynnen coate vpon hym, and shall haue lynnen breeches vpon his fleshe, and shalbe girded with a lynnen girdle, and with a lynnen cap shall he be attired.
These are holy garmentes: therfore shall he washe his fleshe in water when he doth put them on.
And he shall take of the congregation of the childre of Israel, two hee goates for a sinne offeryng, and a ramme for a burnt offeryng.
And Aaron shall offer his bullocke for his sinne offering, and make an attonement for hym and for his house.
And he shall take the two hee goates, and present them before the Lorde at the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation.
And Aaron shall cast lottes ouer the two goates: one lot shalbe for the Lord, and the other for the scape goate.
And Aaron shall bryng the goate vpon which the Lordes lot fell, and offer hym for a sinne offeryng.
But the goate on which the lot fell to be the scape goate, shalbe set aliue before the Lorde to reconcile with, and to let hym go as a scape goate into the wildernesse.
And Aaron shall bryng the bullocke for his sinne offeryng, and reconcile for hym selfe and for his house, and shall kyll the bullocke for his sinne offeryng.
And he shall take a censer full of burning coales from of the aulter before the Lorde, and shall fill his hand full of sweete incense beaten small, and bryng them within the vayle.
And put the incense vpon the fire before the Lorde, that the cloude of the incense may couer the mercy seate that is vpon the witnesse, and he shall not dye.
And he shall take of the blood of the bullocke, and sprinckle it with his finger vpon the mercy seate eastward: and before the mercy seate shall he sprinckle of the blood with his finger seuen tymes.
Then shall he kyll the goate that is the peoples sinne offering, & bryng his blood within the vayle, & do with that blood as he dyd with the blood of the bullocke, sprinklyng it vpon the mercy seate, and before the mercy seate.
And he shall reconcile the holy place from the vncleannesses of the chyldren of Israel, and from their trespasses in all their sinnes: And so shal he do for the tabernacle of the congregation that is set among them, euen among their vncleannesses.
And let there be no body in the tabernacle of the cogregation when he goeth in to make an attonement in the holy place, vntyll he come out, and haue made an attonement for hym selfe, and for his housholde, and for all the congregation of Israel.
And he shall go out vnto the aulter that is before the Lorde, and reconcile vpon it, and shal take of the blood of the bullocke, and of the blood of the goate, and put it vpon the hornes of the aulter rounde about.
So shall he sprinckle of the blood vpon it with his finger seuen tymes, and cleanse it, & halowe it from the vncleannesse of the chyldren of Israel.
And when he hath made an end of reconciling the holy place, and the tabernacle of the congregation, and the aulter, he shall bryng the liue goate.
And Aaron shall put both his handes vpon the head of the liue goate, and confesse ouer hym all the misdeedes of the chyldren of Israel, and all their trespasses in all their sinnes, puttyng them vppon the head of the goate, and send him away by the hand of a conuenient man, into the wyldernesse.
And the goate shall beare vpon hym all theyr misdeedes vnto the lande of seperation, and he shall let the goate go into the wyldernesse.
After Aaron shall come into the tabernacle of the congregation, and put of the linnen clothes whiche he put on when he went in into the holy place, and leaue them there.
And let hym washe his fleshe with water in the holy place, and put on his owne rayment, and then come out, and offer his burnt offering, and the burnt offering of the people, and make an attonement for hym selfe, and for the people.
And the fat of the sinne offering shall he burne vpon the aulter.
And he that caryed foorth the goate for the scape goate, shall washe his clothes, and bathe his fleshe in water, and then come into the hoast.
And the bullocke for the sinne offering, & the goate for the sinne offering, whose blood was brought in to clense the holy place, shall one cary out without the hoast to be burnt in the fire, with their skinnes, their fleshe, and their dounge.
And he that burneth them, shall wash his clothes, and bathe his fleshe in water, and then come into the hoast.
And this shalbe an ordinaunce for euer vnto you: that in the tenth day of the seuenth moneth ye humble your soules, and do no worke at all, whether it be one of your owne countrey, or a straunger that soiourneth among you.
For that day shall the priest make an attonement for you to cleanse you, and that ye may be cleane from all your sinnes before the Lorde.
Let it be a Sabbath of rest vnto you, and ye shall humble your soules by an ordinaunce for euer.
And the priest whom he shal annoynt, and whom he shall consecrate to minister in his fathers steade, shal make the attonement, and shall put on the linnen clothes, and holy vestmentes.
And shall reconcile the holy sanctuarie, and the tabernacle of the congregation, and shall cleanse the aulter, & make an attonement, for the priestes, and for all the people of the congregation.
And this shalbe an euerlastyng ordinaunce vnto you, to make an attonement for the chyldren of Israel for all their sinnes once a yere.
And he dyd as the Lorde commaunded Moyses.