And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying:
Commaunde the children of Israel that they put out of the hoast euery leper, and euery one that hath an issue, & whosoeuer is defiled by the dead:
Both male and female shal ye put out, euen out of the hoast shall ye put them, that they defile not their tentes, among which I dwell.
And the children of Israel dyd so, and put them out of the hoast: euen as the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, so dyd the children of Israel.
And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying:
Speake vnto the children of Israel: When a man or woman shall commit any sinne that men comit, and trespasse agaynst the Lorde: when that person shall trespasse,
Then they shall knowledge their sinne which they haue done, and let hym restore againe the hurt that he hath done, with his principall, and put the fift part of it more therto, and geue it vnto hym whom he hath trespassed agaynst.
But and if the man haue no kinseman to restore the hurt vnto, let the trespasse be made good vnto the Lorde, and it shalbe the priestes, beside the Ramme of the attonement, wherby an attonement shalbe made for hym.
And euery heaue offering that is made of the holy thynges of the children of Israel which they bring vnto the priest, shalbe his.
And euery mans halowed thynges shalbe his: whatsoeuer any man geueth the priest, it shalbe his.
And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying:
Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say vnto them: If any mans wyfe go aside, and trespasse agaynst hym,
So that another man lye with her fleshly, and it be hid from the eyes of her husbande, and is kept close that she is defyled, and there is no witnesse against her, neither she taken with the maner,
And the spirite of gelousie commeth vpon hym, so that he is gelous ouer his wyfe which is defyled: or if the spirite of gelousie come vpon hym, so that he is gelous ouer his wyfe which is yet vndefyled:
Then let the man bring his wyfe vnto the priest, and bring her offeryng with her, the tenth part of an Epha of barly meale: but let hym put no oyle vpon it, nor put frankensence theron, for it is an offeryng of gelousie, an offeryng for a remembraunce, causyng the sinne to be thought vpon.
And the priest shall bryng her, and set her before the Lorde.
And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel, and of the dust that is in the floore of the tabernacle, the priest shal take it, and put it into ye water.
And let the priest set the woman before the Lorde, and vncouer the womans head, and put the offering of memoriall in her handes, which is the gelousie offeryng: and the priest shall haue bytter and cursed water in his hande.
And the priest shall charge her by an othe, and say vnto the woman: If no man haue lyen with thee, neither hast gone aside to vncleannesse without thy husbande, then haue thou no harme of this bitter and cursed waters.
But and if thou hast gone aside from thyne husbande, and art defiled, and some man hath lyen with thee beside thyne husbande:
(Then ye priest shal charge the woman with an othe of cursing, & the priest shall say vnto the woman) the Lorde make thee accursed and detestable for the othe among the people, when the Lord doth make thy thigh to rot, & thy belly swell.
These cursed waters go into the bowels of thee, that they may make thy belly swell, and thy thigh to rotte.
And let the woman say, Amen amen.
And let the priest write these curses in a booke, and shall blot them out with the bitter waters:
And geue the woman those bitter and cursed waters to drinke, yt those cursed and bitter waters may enter into her.
And then the priest shall take the gelousie offeryng out of the womans hande, and waue it before the Lorde, and bryng it vnto the aulter.
And the priest shall take an handfull of the offeryng for a memoriall, & burne it vpon the aulter, and then make the woman drynke the waters:
And when he hath made the woman drynke the waters, if she be defiled and haue trespassed agaynst her husbande, then shall the cursed and bytter waters go into her, and her belly shal swell, and her thigh shall rotte: and the woman shalbe a curse among her people.
And yf the woman be not defiled, but is cleane, she shall haue no harme, but shall conceaue and beare.
This is the lawe of gelousie, when a wyfe goeth aside from her husbande, and is defiled:
Or when the spirit of gelousie cometh vpon a man, and he beyng gelous ouer his wyfe, doth bryng her before ye Lord: And the priest shall do to her accordyng vnto all this lawe,
And the man shalbe giltlesse, and this woman shall beare her sinne.