- 1
- A false ballaunce is an abomination vnto the Lorde: but a true wayght pleaseth him.
- 2
- Where pryde is, there is shame also and confusion: but wheras is lowlinesse, there is wisdome.
- 3
- The innocent dealyng of the iust shall leade them: but the wickednesse of the offendours shalbe their owne destruction.
- 4
- Riches helpe not in the day of vengeaunce: but ryghteousnesse deliuereth from death.
- 5
- The ryghteousnesse of the innocent ordereth his way: but the vngodly shall fall in his owne wickednesse.
- 6
- The righteousnesse of the iust shall delyuer them: but the wicked shalbe taken in their owne vngodlynesse.
- 7
- When an vngodly man dyeth, his hope is gone: the confidence of riches shall perishe.
- 8
- The ryghteous shalbe delyuered out of trouble: and the vngodly shall come in his steade.
- 9
- The dissembler with his mouth hurteth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the iust be deliuered.
- 10
- When it goeth well with the ryghteous the citie is mery: and when the vngodly perishe there is gladnesse.
- 11
- In the blessyng of the ryghteous the citie is exalted: but it is ouerthrowen by the mouth of the wicked.
- 12
- A foole slaundereth his neyghbour: but a wise man holdeth his peace.
- 13
- A dissemblyng person wyll discouer priuie thynges: but he that is of a faythfull heart wyll kepe counsayle.
- 14
- Where no counsayle is, there the people decay: but wheras many are that can geue counsayle, there is wealth.
- 15
- He that is suretie for a straunger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretishyp is sure.
- 16
- A gratious woman getteth honour: but the strong men attayne riches.
- 17
- He that is mercifull, doth hym selfe a benefite: but who so hurteth his neyghbour, is a tiraunt.
- 18
- The vngodly worketh deceiptfull workes: but he that soweth righteousnesse shall receaue a sure rewarde.
- 19
- Lyke as ryghteousnesse bringeth lyfe: euen so to cleaue vnto euyll, bryngeth death.
- 20
- The Lorde abhorreth them that be of a corrupt heart: but he hath pleasure in them that are of an vndefiled conuersation.
- 21
- Though hand be ioyned in hande, yet the wicked shall not escape: but the seede of the ryghteous shalbe preserued.
- 22
- A faire woman without discrete maners, is lyke a ryng of golde in a swines snoute.
- 23
- The desire of the ryghteous is acceptable: but the hope of the vngodly is indignation.
- 24
- Some man geueth out his goodes and is the richer: but the niggarde hauyng inough, wyll depart from nothyng, and yet is euer in pouertie.
- 25
- He that is liberall in geuyng, shall haue plentie: and he that watereth, shalbe watered also hym selfe.
- 26
- Who so hoordeth vp his corne, shalbe cursed among the people: but blessyng shall lyght vpon his head that geueth foode.
- 27
- He that searcheth for good thynges fyndeth fauour: but who so seketh after mischiefe, it shall happen vnto hym.
- 28
- He that trusteth in his riches shall haue a fall: but the ryghteous shall florishe as the greene leafe.
- 29
- Who so maketh disquietnesse in his owne house, he shal haue winde for his heritage: and the foole shalbe seruaunt to the wise.
- 30
- The fruite of the ryghteous is a tree of life: and he that winneth mens soules is wise.
- 31
- If the ryghteous be recompensed vpon earth: howe much more then the vngodly and the sinner?