- [A song of high degrees of Dauid.]
- 1
- I was glad when they sayde vnto me: we wyll go into the house of God.
- 2
- Our feete shall stande in thy gates: O Hierusalem.
- 3
- Hierusalem is builded: as a citie that is well vnited together in it selfe.
- 4
- For the tribes do go vp thyther, euen the tribes of the Lorde: [which is] a testimonie vnto Israel for to prayse the name of God.
- 5
- For there is ordeyned the seate for iudgement: euen the seate of the house of Dauid.
- 6
- Pray for the peace of Hierusalem: they shall prosper that loue thee.
- 7
- Peace be within thy walles: and plenteousnesse within thy palaces.
- 8
- For my brethren and companions sakes: I wyll wyshe peace [to be] within thee.
- 9
- Yea because of the house of God our Lord: I wyll procure to do thee good.