- [A Psalme,
the song for the sabbath day.]
- 1
- It is a good thyng to confesse vnto God: and to syng psalmes vnto thy name O thou most hyghest.
- 2
- To set foorth in wordes thy louyng kyndnesse early in the mornyng: and thy trueth in the nyght season.
- 3
- Upon an instrument of ten strynges, and vpon the Lute: vpon the Harpe with a solemne sounde.
- 4
- For thou God hast made me glad thorowe thy workes: I do reioyce in the workes of thy handes.
- 5
- O God howe glorious are thy workes?
thy thoughtes are very depe.
- 6
- An vnwise man doth not consider this: and a foole doth not vnderstande it.
- 7
- Wheras the vngodly do bud vp greene as the grasse, and wheras all workers of iniquitie do florishe: that they [notwithstandyng] shalbe destroyed for euer and euer.
- 8
- But thou O God: art the most highest for euermore.
- 9
- For lo, thine enemies O God, lo thine enemies shall perishe: & all the workers of wickednesse shalbe destroyed.
- 10
- But my horne shalbe exalted lyke the horne of an vnicorne: for I am annoynted with excellent oyle.
- 11
- And myne eye shall see those that lye in wayte for me: myne eare shall heare the malitious persons that rise vp agaynst me.
- 12
- The ryghteous shall florishe lyke a paulme tree: and shall spread abroade like a Cedar in Libanus.
- 13
- Such as be planted in the house of God: shall florishe in the courtes of our Lorde.
- 14
- They shall styll bryng foorth fruite in their age: they shalbe fat and florishyng.
- 15
- For to set foorth in wordes that God is vpright: he is my rocke, and no iniquitie is in hym.