- 1
- O howe pleasaunt are thy treadynges with thy shoes, thou princes daughter?
the ioyntes of thy thighes are like a faire iewell, which is wrought by a cunnyng workemaister.
- 2
- Thy nauell is lyke a rounde goblet, which is neuer without drynke.
Thy wombe is like a heape of wheate that is set about with lilies.
- 3
- Thy two breastes are lyke two twinnes of young roes.
- 4
- Thy necke is as it were a towre of iuorie: thine eyes also are lyke the water pooles that are in Hesebon, beside the port of Bathrabbim, thy nose is lyke the towre of Libanus, which loketh towarde Damascus.
- 5
- That head that standeth vpon thee is lyke Carmel: and the heere of thy head is like purple, and like a kyng dwellyng among many water conduites.
- 6
- O Howe faire and louely art thou my dearlyng in pleasures?
- 7
- Thy stature is lyke a paulme tree, and thy breastes lyke the grapes.
- 8
- I sayde, I wyll climbe vp into the paulme tree, and take holde of his hye braunches.
Thy breastes also shalbe as the wine clusters, the smell of thy nosethrilles like as the smell of apples.
- 9
- And thy rooffe of thy mouth lyke the best wine, which is meete for my best beloued, pleasaunt for his lippes, and for his teeth to chawe.
- 10
- I am my beloueds, and he shall turne hym vnto me.
- 11
- O come on my loue, we wyll go foorth into the fielde, and take our lodgyng in the villages.
- 12
- In the mornyng wyll we go see the vineyarde, we wyll see yf the vine be sprong foorth, yf the grapes be growen, and yf the pomegranates be shot out.
There will I geue thee my brestes:
- 13
- the Mandragoras geue their sweete smell, and besyde our doores are all maner of pleasaunt fruites both newe and olde, which I haue kept for thee O my beloued.