SimonPeter, a servant and an apostle of JesusChrist, to themthathaveobtainedlikepreciousfaithwith us through the righteousness of God and our SaviourJesusChrist:
According as his divinepowerhathgivenunto us all thingsthatpertainuntolife and godliness, through the knowledge of him thathathcalled us to glory and virtue:
Whereby are givenunto us exceedinggreat and preciouspromises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divinenature, havingescaped the corruptionthat is in the worldthroughlust.
For we have not followedcunninglydevisedfables, when we madeknownunto you the power and coming of our LordJesusChrist, but wereeyewitnesses of his majesty.
For he receivedfrom God the Fatherhonour and glory, whentherecamesuch a voice to him from the excellentglory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am wellpleased.
We havealso a moresureword of prophecy; whereunto ye do wellthat ye takeheed, as unto a lightthatshineth in a darkplace, until the day dawn, and the day stararise in yourhearts: