When I call to remembrance the unfeignedfaiththat is in thee, whichdweltfirst in thy grandmotherLois, and thy motherEunice; and I am persuadedthat in theealso.
Be not thouthereforeashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thoupartaker of the afflictions of the gospelaccording to the power of God;
Who hathsaved us, and called us with an holycalling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in ChristJesusbefore the worldbegan,
But is now mademanifest by the appearing of our SaviourJesusChrist, who hathabolisheddeath, and hathbroughtlife and immortality to lightthrough the gospel:
For the whichcause I alsosufferthesethings: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I knowwhom I havebelieved, and am persuadedthat he is able to keepthatwhich I havecommittedunto him againstthat day.